*formally known as the Assessor Refresh
The Monthly Assessor Credential Training is hosted virtually every month. Come prepared to participate in a Coordinated Entry Onboarding Training covering an overview of the Coordinated Entry System, housing types, service match, documentation, and nomination process, followed by an HMIS demo on your basic CE Assessor workflow.
All new assessors are also invited to the Veteran System Orientation, hosted by King County Veterans Program. The Veteran System Orientation is intended to provide an overview of permanent housing resources for veterans in King County, HMIS workflows, the Veteran By Name List (VBNL), and meet providers from VA, SSVF, KCRHA, & King County Veterans Program. (These meetings are hosted by KCRHA- you can find more information here
Meetings occur on the First Tuesday of each quarter from 12:30 - 2:00pm
January 7th, 12:30 - 2:00pmNote - Users must first have a Clarity Account and have completed the required Clarity General, and King County HMIS Privacy & Security Trainings before being able to request assessor access. If you do not yet have access to Clarity, please have your Agency Lead requesting a user account on your behalf.
All people have a home. We want to see that homelessness is rare in King County, racial disparities are eliminated, and if one becomes homeless, it is brief and only a one-time occurrence. Homelessness is solvable, and by acting together as a community, all people can have a home.